Night on Bald Mountain is a film set to the music of the same name by Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky, and arranged by his fellow Russian composer, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. The film was created by the inventors of pinscreen animation, Alexandre Alexeieff and his collaborator Claire Parker. Alexeieff was born in Kazan, Russia in 1901 and died in …
Category: Halloween
Oct 25 2023
Soviet Film Wednesday: Viy
Viy is a significant artifact in the history of cinema, particularly in the context of Soviet film. Released in 1967, it is widely regarded as the first horror movie produced by the Soviet film industry. The film is based on a horror novella by Nikolai Gogol, a renowned Russian-Ukrainian author whose work has been foundational …
Oct 18 2023
Soviet Film Wednesday: Ivashka and Baba-Yaga
Last week we had an introduction to the Brumberg Sisters, and this week we have another great film by the duo, featuring one of the scariest characters of folklore, Baba-Yaga. While this fairy tale, and others, portray her as a child-hunting witch, there are some different renditions of Baba-Yaga. In Slavic folklore, Baba-Yaga is typically …
Oct 11 2023
Soviet Film Wednesday: Little Red Riding Hood
Meet the Brumberg Sisters, Valentina and Zinaida Brumberg, both Moscow-born artists who worked together as animators, screenwriters, and directors, creating around 50 films in total. Made in 1937, this is their spooky animation of Charles Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. Perrault’s version was a cautionary message to children about stranger danger. Soviet Film …